Thursday, January 27, 2011

Buckaroo Book Club - "Martin's Big Words"

January 17th was a very important day in the United States.
It was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a civil rights leader who made huge difference in our country.

To learn more about his life and accomplishments, you can read this article from Scholastic News.


For our Buckaroo Book Club last week we read
Martin's Big Words, written by Doreen Rappaport and illustrated by Bryan Collier.

This is a fantastic book about Martin's life with some of his most famous quotes. The illustrations are beautiful works of collage.

Here is a video with a few parts from our Buckaroo Book Club:

Have you read this book? If so, what was a part that you really liked?

What lessons can we learn from Martin Luther King, Jr.?


  1. Dear Sheriff Y★llis and Sheriff S★lsich,

    What a brilliant post on The Reading Roundup!

    Actually, not only have I read this book, but I have this book at home on my bookshelf.

    My favorite part of the book is the quote, "Hate cannot drive out hate, only LOVE can do that." I like it because it means that hate cannot defeat hate only love can defeat it.

    One lesson that I learned from Dr. King is to not judge people by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

    What was your favorite part, Sheriff Y★llis and Sheriff S★lsich?


  2. Dear RR,

    Great book club. I have not read the book. But it seems like a good book. I did not hear anybody interrupting each other. Great post and also great book club. Happy Blogging!

    From,Taylor*** in Mr.Salsich`s class

  3. Dear Adia,

    Thank you for that excellent comment. I like how you added your ideas to those that the students discussed in the video. I agree, we can certainly learn a lot of lessons from Dr. King.

    It's difficult to pick a favorite part from the book because I think every page is beautiful and all of the words are important. I really like the collage artwork.

    One of my favorite parts is at the end when it says, "Martin's big words are still alive for us today." I like that part because it shows that his ideas are just as important now as they were during his life. His ideas of nonviolence and justice can apply to any situation, not just the civil rights movement.

    Sheriff Salsich

  4. Dear Sheriff Yollis an Sheriff Salsich,
    I learned from Dr. Martin Luther King that the color of your skin doesn't matter and everyone should have the same rights. It sounds like a good book and I would like to read it sometime.
    Yours Truly,
    Mrs. Yollis' student

  5. Dear Cowboys and Cowgirls,

    I'm glad that you shared about this book! I have this one in my class library and I think it's really important that we all understand the ideas that Martin Luther King Jr. believed in. Martin Luther King Jr. definitely had some "big" words that meant a lot to a lot of people. Just know that you can have "big" words that mean a lot to others as well!

    Mr. Avery
    Plympton, Massachusetts

  6. Dear RR,

    Awsome book club. I have not read this book but I really want to. You should not judge people by the color of thier skin, judge them by how the way they are inside.

    Sam K. in Mr. Salsich's class


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